Peyronie’s disease is a localized contracture of the tunica albuginea of the penis that can result in plaque formation, resulting in penile curvature, shortening, deformity, and difficulty achieving an erection. The cause of Peyronie’s disease is still not clear but is thought to be related to autoimmune disease, genetic factors or microtrauma. Peyroine’s disease treatment’s are available once it is diagnosed

How is Peyronie’s disease diagnosed?

Your doctor will  carry out a bodily exam. During the exam, he’ll look into and experience your penis, searching out scar tissue. This is commonly sufficient for a diagnosis. Sometimes, your health practitioner may also order an ultrasound to search for scar tissue. If so, you’ll get hold of an injection so one can make you penis erect earlier than the ultrasound.
PRP therapy is exactly the treatment needed to reduce the downtime of the athlete while also reducing the chance for re-injury or perhaps the risk of a more serious injury that will result in surgical intervention or permanent disability.

Peyronie's disease treatment

The Priapus Shot (P-Shot), performed by Dr. Kulback, can improve the curvature, reduce pain with an erection and enhance sexual function. Procedure takes about 45-60 minutes, most of which is the time it takes to prepare the PRP and numb the penis.

Many men see improvement after the first treatment. Some men require more than one treatment to achieve the results they desire.

Not all PRP are the same.

If you have Peyronie’s disease symptoms, call today at 205-255-1232 and to know more about our treatments follow us on Facebook
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