Dysport and Botox are both neurotoxins that are deemed medically safe. Both injectables temporarily weaken the muscles that cause the wrinkles and fine lines.  Neurotoxins keep the muscles from contracting which softens the look of wrinkles and lines*. Botox®  and Dysport work especially well for forehead lines, crow’s feet, frown lines, marionette lines and neck wrinkles . Dr. Kulback also uses either or injectable to treat TMJ and excess sweating for underarms and hands.

Neurotoxins are not effective in  treating deep wrinkles and sagging skin caused by sun damage and the natural aging process.  Best results from neurotoxins is usually seen between 5-14 days after injections. Our patients love it because the procedure itself is quick and virtually painless, allowing you to return to normal activity almost immediately.


Dr. Kulback understands you might be concerned that you’ll look unnatural or like you’ve had “work done” after receiving Dysport or Botox treatment (“frozen face,” “surprised look,” “weird eyebrows,” “droopy eyelids,” etc.). We take a conservative approach and slowly work to help you reach the results you desire. We see all patients back after 2 weeks to assess the results and make any needed adjustments. This helps prevent overtreatment and tailors the dose to each individual’s needs.

*Real Patient featured below – before and after 4-months of receiving Botox for TMJ.  She suffered from over-developed masseter muscles caused by TMJ. Look how much softer and oval her face looks after weakening the muscle on either side. This treatment has to be repeated every 4-6-months on average. Results and frequency of treatments needed varies from patient to patient.

Before and after Botox for TMJ at K2 Medicine
Before and after Botox for TMJ at K2 Medicine
Before and after Botox for TMJ at K2 Medicine

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